Sunday, March 9, 2008

Let the show begin....

Meet the gang... Izabella came home this week with the tiger puppet you see here above. She loved it so much that she asked if we could make some friends for her tiger. She told me what to draw, how to draw it and how her teacher Ms. Robertson taught her how to make these adorable FREE puppets. She instructed me as to every little thing. So, from left to right we have Giraffe (including spots per Izabella), Tiger, Mouse (including ball cap and tuxedo), Mean Ella the Dinosaur, Fox, Hippo, Lion wearing hair bow (Izabella picked all the main colors and told me to draw rectangles of red, brown and yellow, so I did as I was told), Lola the bunny, and the Elephant playing in the water. She drew all the faces and colored all of them. Then she told me that we had to write 5 stories before Daddy woke up so we could put on a puppet show. My goodness we were full of ideas this morning. Typical Izabella, go go go, wants to be playing something 24/7. So, we got to 3 stories that were too cute not to share. Hope you gives you as much joy from them as we did. My, what creativity......these were completely written by Izabella in her own words...

What's wrong Hippo?
By: Izabella Mingolla Illustrated by: Momy Mingolla
(lion) helo mouse
(mouse) helo lion, hipo has a problem.
(elephant) why don't we go see her and tell her mom what's wrong.
(lion) first we have to find out what's wrong.
(mouse) what's wrong hipo?
(hipo) i have a lose tooth and another one and it hurts
(elephant) we can help you pull it.
(hipo) no!
says hipo
(hipo) the more you pull it the more it hurts.

What's for lunch?
by: Susan Mingolla (really Izabella, she just wrote this) illustrated by: Izabella Mingolla
(Stela/giraffe) What's for lunch guys?
(Lola/bunny) I want a sandwich!
(Mean Ella/dino) NO! I want the last sandwich.
(Lola/bunny) and carrot's.
(Stela/giraffe) I want soup & fruit.
(Mean Ella/Dino) NO! I want fruit juice!
(Lola/buny) You don't have to be mean ella!
(Mean Ella/dino) I did not know that. You know what for now i ella will be nise.

and LAST ONE......

Joke's joke's jokes
By no man By a girl
(Fox) wy did the skelatin go to the Bank! why becase he had many, get it mAny, not mOney..
he ha hahehe!haha!
(wolve) why did't the skelatin cros the rode. why becase he had no BODY to cross with

Hope you all have a good week, love and miss you all!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!