The End!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Talk to the..........Toe?
Posted by Susan at 11:36 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Go Figure....
Now, who feels bad? The Dr.'s office just called and said that Izabella's culture came back positive for Strep throat! Man, do I feel like a heel! I was giving her such a hard time yesterday for her Oscar performance of "feeling bad!". Daddy is on his way to get her and get a shot and it's home for the next 2 days! Poor baby! Bad momma!
Posted by Susan at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
First day in the First Grade!

She tried to "play" sick this morning. Said her throat wasn't feeling so well. I did something my mother used to do to me, "if you're too sick for school then we have to go to the Dr. and if you are sick you are getting a shot!" At first she felt better and then she decided it was worth going to the Dr. for. Steve took her in and nothing was wrong with her, no fever, no swelling in the throat, nothing. So, it was off to school she went. Steve had a little chat with her about not playing sick anymore, that her job was going to school and that was what she was going to do. I'm sure we'll have to deal with this again. She's too smart for her own good!
Posted by Susan at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
In no particular order.....
So, as promised, and after looking at everything I have to post, these will be in no particular order. we go!
The slide show is from Izabella's birthday party. We had a camp out in the backyard courtesy of our fine neighbors the Brown's for the tent, and the Puckett's for the water feature, thanks! It was awesome as I'm sure the pictures tell. Sorry the slide show is so long, but apparently I took lots of pictures and couldn't edit any out. I want you to feel like you were there ;) Enjoy!
The next few pictures are just another night of neighbors all hanging out and letting the kids play. We do this every weekend and guess what, it's free and the kids love it. Before school started it was pretty typical for the kids to end up asleep before the parents were ready to go in, so if Izabella ended up sleeping at the Brown's then the next night I would offer to have their kids over, always a fun time!
Posted by Susan at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Promises, Promises.....
I know, I know, I haven't written or posted in almost 2 months. I have been busy with a 6 year old this summer and then getting ready for 1st grade also. No more excuses, I promise I have tons of things to tell everyone and pictures to post, from sleepovers, to birthday parties to fireworks last weekend. I plan on getting it together and posting this weekend so please don't give up on me, come back and check on Sunday or Monday.....
Love and miss you all!!
Posted by Susan at 11:12 AM 0 comments