Thursday, March 25, 2010

Can you get a feel for how much FUN this was?!

3 minutes!

OH mah GAWD!!!!!

turn head to the left side......sorry :(

P.S. somehow we lucked out and she got 15 minutes. There was no one else in line behind her so it was well worth it.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What is with this crazy weather?!

This was one weekend...

This was the next...

Puppy love

Once again, we got lucky with Joey. He and Soxy wear each other out and I think that's a good thing for both of them. In the 2 weeks that we've had him he's already been taught how to sit, stay and bark to let us know he wants to come inside. Now, we have to work on barking to let us know when he needs to go out. Soxy is doing her best to set a good example :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Meet Joey!!

Isn't he GREAT?? What is he you ask?

Well....the shelter said they got him and were told he was a Catahoula Leopard Dog? What the hell is that? Well we looked it up and he so doesn't look anything like that breed. We suspect some lab, maybe some boxer, maybe some dane......who knows? and WHO cares??

I mean....wook at that face? I guess since I told Steve to make the big "V" appointment last week because all my hopes of having more babies was all but lost..........but no one said we couldn't have more babies like THIS!!
He's just awesome. First day home he had to mark his new territory but no others problems since. I think he had some training prior to us. Soxy is having some alpha female issues right now, but when they are outside, they are so cute together. Just what Soxy needed and it looks like he's trying to please her. I think he knows it's her house and he's just invaded her space. He fits perfectly in my lap..........for NOW! I suspect that won't last long either. Anyway, going to the Dr. today to get all checked out. He's 4 months old and 17 pounds, wonder what were in for with this one? Soxy is 4 years old and about 50 pounds. She looks huge next to him when I used to think she was the little one! not anymore...........well for now. I think he's gonna be a big un!