Sunday, June 22, 2008

Six Flags!!!

Before Taylor left to go back home, she wanted to do either white water or Six Flags. So, because I'm not getting in a swim suit right now and Steve wasn't home, I decided on Six Flags. Possibly one of the hottest days of the year to go, but we went. We got there at 10 am and didn't leave until 7 pm, what a long day. I rode a couple of roller coasters with Tay and Robert, while Sandra had the girls on their side of the park. We ended up at Skull Island which is the water park there and before I knew it, Sandra and I were in the water fully clothed. It was that hot. The girls really had a great time until Izabella fell and busted open her knee, I swear, she must be the biggest clutz ever! Anyway, here are a few pictures of the day at the park, enjoy!