Happy belated Valentines Day! (thanks for the new dress Granny!)

I was talked into facebook and it's now become a new addiction! So, I apologize for neglecting the blog. I will now catch you up. I took last Friday off to help Izabella's teacher out with their Valentine's Day party, pictures below. The kids had a great time and got lots and lots of Valentine's...
I was talked into facebook and it's now become a new addiction! So, I apologize for neglecting the blog. I will now catch you up. I took last Friday off to help Izabella's teacher out with their Valentine's Day party, pictures below. The kids had a great time and got lots and lots of Valentine's...
Izabella has been out of school all week for "winter break" so I also took today off to spend with her. Her 2 front teeth are coming in slowly and we've got 2 more wiggling now, not great for pictures but she does LOVE the tooth fairy!
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