There's Soxy, of course...she's camera shy...

Then there's Goldie...she was a "goodie bag" gift from Alex & Max's first cute, but we should have named her Miss Piggy. If you stick your finger in the water she will suck on your finger like it's food. She's almost 4 inches long...

This is our newest edition, Miss Emily. She was a birthday present from the Brown's. She's a yellow belly slider. They went to Florida over the summer and brought this hatchling back for her. They can't be purchased in GA but you can own them. We had named her Emmitt before we found out she was a girl. She got a terrible eye infection right after we got her and we thought we'd lost it but one day I was feeding her and noticed that I could see her eyeball again. It had swollen shut and trippled in size basically so when I saw that I knew she was better, but it took a long time for it to heal and we were giving her eye drops twice a day for almost 2 months I think, maybe longer...

She is also a piggy. The Brown's also got one for themselves but they got a boy. It's still about 1.5 inches in lenght while Emily is about 3 almost 3.5 inches long. We got her some live goldfish the other day to see if she was ready to eat them. We gave her 5 of them, they were each about an inch long. She chased them all around it was so cool to watch. It took her about an hour to chase them all down and eat them. She's in a 10 gallon tank with about 4-5 inches of water with a heat lamp and a UV light on her. She eats shrimp, blood worms and turtle stix which have the nutrients that hatchlings need. The shrimp, blood worms and live gold fish are more treats right now. Eventually we should be able to have a deeper tank and just have the fish living in there with her and she'll self feed. so cool!
This is Fred #2. We had another beta for about 2 years and he had to go swim with Nemo in the ocean if you know what I mean :) So we got another one and Izabella wanted to name it Fred again so we did...why not? He's day Izabella and I were eating at the table and he just jumped right out of his bowl in front of Izabella's plate and we scrambled to get him back in, all while laughing so hard we had tears streaming down our faces. I just LOVE it when I hear Izabella laugh like that. So funny!
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