Last June, as a parting gift for coming to a birthday party, Izabella got a goldfish. She named her Goldy. She grew very quickly, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the overfeeding *wink wink*. Anyway, Izabella loved her and we loved her and all the neighborhood kiddos loved her. She was funny because she was always begging for more food and when you stuck the tip of your finger into her bowl she would suck on it as if it were food.
Well...last Saturday I had gotten up, as usual, and went to make my coffee. As always I surveyed all the animals while doing this. I usually give Soxy some lovin first cause she's the first one I see when I come downstairs. The only dog I know that has a couch to herself! A nice couch, too! I look into Emily's tank to see what she's up too, to see if she's still got any fish left swimming around with her. I glance at Fred, our betta-who's in a *fish* fishbowl on our dining room table, and then I move to Goldy's bowl to usually find her still scouring the bottom of the bowl for any left over food she may have missed. Well this particular morning I found everyone doing the usual EXCEPT Goldy. At first, I just thought I couldn't see her from the angle I was looking so I walked over to look right down into the bowl and there was NO Goldy. I looked on the counter, behind her bowl, etc. Then I looked down on the floor and there she was :(. I went to get a papertowel to pick her up with and when I did she was very dry and her fins were all stuck together. Then her eye moved to look at me and she was still breathing so I didn't know how long she'd been there. So, I put her back in her water...I didn't really know what else to do and if there was any way of saving her before Izabella woke up then I could avoid telling her that her goldfish died. So, that seemed to be working, she started swimming around and her fins began to look like normal and she was eating. Whew! Later that day, I decided to tell Izabella what happened just in case Goldy started to go downhill. I wanted to prepare her just in case. So, she got a kick out of the story because once Fred had jumped out of his bowl while her and I were eating dinner and he almost jumped onto Izabella's dinner plate. We both thought it was pretty funny. All seemed fine with Goldy until......
Sunday morning. I checked on her first thing and saw that she wasn't swimming around so much anymore. In fact, she was breathing much slower and something was happening to her eyes. She was completely vertical, it almost looked like she was standing on the rocks with her fins as feet. We watched her for the rest of the day. Steve and I decided it was time to let her go *swim with the fishes* so while Izabella had all her friends over I had all of them say goodbye to Goldy and we had a little fishy funeral. All drains lead to the ocean right? Izabella had been a little sad about it on Saturday but about 10 minutes after the funeral was over she told me she was ready to get a new one. She was glad she'd had Goldy but she was ready to move on.
So...tomorrow we'll be fish shopping. I want to get 2 this time, just seems like such a lonely existance when your a fish swimming all alone. We'll post a pic of the new additions once we've gotten them all settled in.
R.I.P. Goldy, you were a good fish!
Friday, January 22, 2010
R.I.P. Goldy
Posted by Susan at 10:09 AM
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oh no! poor goldy. but what a nice life she had.
we still have four fish from that party (the "extras" just in case one or two did not make it until the end of the party). i'm in shock every morning.
keep us posted on the new fishy!
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