Today, Izabella turns 8 years old...........Which I can't believe!
Happy Birthday my sweet are the light of my life and the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Izabella and Daddy went to NY last week for a Mingolla Family reunion. I wasn't able to go, so I made a plan to do a makeover on Izabella's room for her birthday. She's had the exact same room since she was born and it was just time. She'd picked out this bed in a bag a few months ago and told me that she'd always wanted a mosquito net. So, I just took it from there and have been getting things ready for when they left. I started Thursday night and go done Monday night. There was much to do....holes to fill, sanding, taping, painting...blah blah blah. It was hard work but I loved every minute of it. My only feat was "what IF she didn't like it?" I decided that if she didn't like it, then I would move into it! I love it and think it turned out better than I could have ever imagined. It's a big girl room that she can grow with for a while. Grandma and Papa came through to visit for a couple days on their way back from NY so they got to see the room too! It was so good to see them both, as usual.
Below is the final result!

I took a video of her reaction but I can't get it to upload :( If I ever can, I will repost but SHE LOVED IT!!!! I've never been hugged so tightly! :)
and she promptly called all her friends to come over and see it :) makes my heart happy!
Izabella, I love you to the moon and back!
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