Friday, September 4, 2009


So, my computer had died and I have someone working hard on it to recover all my photos. It must be at least 3000! O.M.G. If this happens again I will just die! I lost all of the first 2 years of Izabella's life in pictures on the other computer and now this! GEEZ! So, that's the reason for not posting lately. I've got no computer to work on at home so that's been the reason for not posting in so long. We are working on it I promise.

So far though, Izabella is LOVING 2nd grade. Just got our first progress report for the year and she's doing GREAT in all of her classes. She loves her teacher and is quickly making lots of new friends. She's growing up more and more every day and it makes my heart smile to watch, but it's bitter sweet because she'll always be my "baby!" Boy do I love that girl, it's like watching my heart walk around outside my body. I tell her that sometimes and she looks at me funny but I always follow up with "you'll know what I mean one day!"

Taylor started her Sr. year and is having a blast so far. She dropped some of her more challenging classes, as she didn't really need to take them anyway, and now she says school is easy! Almost too easy she says! She's got soccer and band keeping her busy these days so that just means less time to come visit, but we're hoping she can come in Oct while she's got her first week long break from school. Fingers crossed! Another girl I would just die for. Love my girls!!