Wednesday, May 21, 2008

AIM high!!!

Just a quick note to let you all know that Izabella qualified for the AIM program at her Elementary. This is gifted child testing from what I understand. She went through 3 rounds of testing I believe, one including and interview and this week we got a note from the Gifted Program Director that she qualifies. We're not 100% sure yet what exactly this means, but from the little that I do understand it means that she will have either 1 hour a day or 1 hour a week away from her normal class to be in this AIM program that will teach her at a higher level than the students that did not qualify. We are very proud of her and as usual, Steve is taking all the credit for this as of course, she gets it from him. If she gets her smarts from him, then that leaves her beauty thanks to me!! I'll take that!

Anyway, just wanted to share. Hope you are all having a great week and a great upcoming holiday weekend!