Tuesday, December 2, 2008

He loves me, he loves me not....

So, we found this little hole in the wall mexican restaurant near our house that we just love. Viva Mexico! Izabella has a crush on one of the waiters there, his name is Oscar! He waits on us all the time, it makes me wonder if he remembers us, the way that Izabella remembers him. One time, she ordered a strawberry daquari and when he brought it to her he touched the back of her head and when he walked off she said, "I think he loves me too!" so stinkin cute!

The last time that we were there, Steve made sure to ask for his section. Izabella gets very shy when he's around, but by the end of the dinner she's got some nerve up, so this time she wrote him this little letter. I thought it was so cute that I took a picture of it with my cell phone (that's why the quality is so bad!) He was very sweet when she gave it to him, she can't wait to see him again!