Saturday, September 27, 2008

The 'ol string tied to the door trick...

So...Miss Izabella's front tooth was so loose that she decided instead of pulling it out, she wanted to try the string tied to the door trick like she's seen on America's Funniest Videos so many times. It was loose enough so Steve did his magic! You'll want to turn off my music at the bottom of this page first and then turn up your speakers to hear Steve's naration. Also, the boy in the background is Sandra's son Robert who just could NOT believe what Steve was doing. Apparently he's been threatened with this but never thought anyone ever really did it. He went home and told his parents and it started something like "you're never gonna believe what Mr. Steve just did..." Enjoy!

Right after the tooth popped out.....My poor little baby!

And 2 seconds later...My big front toothless young lady!

Most likely, this will be the one and only time we use the string to pull a tooth, we'll see, she's got 3 more almost ready to go. She's going to be wi-th-ing for her 2 front teeth for Christmas!

Check back soon, I have lots to post!!

We love and miss everyone!